DB Version Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 3/9/2011

Following is a summary of the corrections, enhancements, feature requests, and requirements included in the WinTen² /Partner Access DB Version Maintenance Release with the release date of 3/9/2011.

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Applicant List Release Notes

Consumable Inventory Release Notes

Fixed Assets Release Notes

IRS 1099 Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Section 8 Desktop Inspections Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant & Landlord Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes

Accounts Payable

Program Version: 1.26.06

Program Date: 2/15/2011

Bug Report

1. We have corrected an error that sometimes occurred during check processing. If a vendor had multiple invoices and the policy with the code of "PBLCkStu" was set to True in order to print invoice header information on check stubs, only one header was printing from the multiple invoices. This has been corrected and the header information will now print on all invoices for a vendor if the policy is set to True.

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Process Checks Wizard

Policies are maintained in the Setup area of the Accounts Payable program:

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Payables Setup screen > Policies > Browse Policies screen > Maintain Policies screen

Applicant List

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/3/2011


1. To accommodate clients who create waiting lists for transfers, you are now able to remove applicants with open unit offers from a waiting list.

Path: Main Menu screen > Applicants > Browse Applicants screen > Maintain Applicants screen > Lists Applied For tab > Tools icon drop-down list > Remove from Waiting List > Remove from Waiting List Wizard

2. We have added a new report, Applicant List Vacant Unit Listing, that displays only vacant units that are not classified under any type of exclusion and are available for lease. The report also displays any offers that were made on units, and if the offers were accepted or if the units are scheduled to be shown.

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Applicant List Report screen > List Management tab > Applicant List Vacant Unit Listing

Consumable Inventory

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/2/2010

Bug Report

1. When adding an item, an error message would appear if you didn't manually enter a quantity, even if you didn't change the quantity from the already displayed "0". This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Items > Browse Consumable Inventory Items screen > Add icon > Add Item Wizard (Step 2)

Fixed Assets 

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/3/3011

Bug Report

1. The Reports screen was slow to display. To make the screen display faster, we have removed asset type information which contained the manufacturer, make, model, and class for fixed assets.

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Fixed Asset Reports screen

This change simplifies adding assets. When adding an asset, you can now enter the manufacturer, make, model, and class directly rather than having to choose an asset type.

Path: Main Menu screen > Assets > Browse Assets screen or Maintain Assets screen > Add icon > Add New Record Wizard (Step 2)

The change also simplifies maintaining assets. Manufacturer, make, model, and class are now directly editable from the Maintain Assets screen. The Manufacturer field has been added and the Make and Model fields have been moved to the left side of the screen with the other editable fields. The Date, Cost, and Created in PO fields have been moved to the right side of the screen with the other fields that can only be changed by using a wizard.

Path: Main Menu screen > Assets > Browse Assets screen > Maintain Assets screen > Main tab

Note: If your agency has custom reports for Fixed Assets that use manufacturer, make, model and class data in Asset Type, please call Tenmast Support so we can help you rebuild these reports to use the new manufacturer, make, model, and class information connected with each asset.

IRS 1099

Program Version:

Program Date: 1/27/2011


1. You are now able to order IRS 1099 reports by recipient last name.

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > IRS 1099 Report screen > General tab > Report Order By drop-down list

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Program Version:

Program Date: 2/15/2011


1. Previously, after terminating subsidy on a TRACS tenant, the adjustments were paid back and the correct amounts were entered, but the adjustments were not created in accordance with appendix H of the 4350.3 handbook. To make ORC work in accordance with termination adjustment examples in Appendix H of the 4350.3 handbook, the program now creates three adjustments for a TRACS terminations on a partial month: the initial adjustment pays back full months for which the tenant has received subsidy, the second adjustment re-submits for money owed to the HA for the partial month that the tenant is under subsidy, and the third adjustment then reports the termination of assistance.

The new adjustment records can be viewed in the eTrans Wizard.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > eTrans Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > eTrans Wizard

2. Previously, after transferring a TRACS tenant from one unit into another, the adjustments were paid back and the correct amounts were entered, but the adjustments were not created in accordance with appendix H of the 4350.3 handbook. To make ORC work in accordance with unit transfer adjustment examples in Appendix H of the 4350.3 handbook, the program now creates four adjustments for a TRACS unit transfer: the initial adjustment pays back full months for which the tenant has received even partial subsidy, the second adjustment re-submits for money owed to the HA for the partial month that the tenant is under subsidy, the third adjustment reports the change of unit, and the fourth adjustment requests the amount of money owed from the unit in which the tenant now resides.

The new adjustment records can be viewed in the eTrans Wizard.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > eTrans Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > eTrans Wizard

3. Previously, after processing a gross rent change for a TRACS tenant, the program only created two adjustments for a change performed after the first of the month. To make ORC work in accordance with gross rent change examples in Appendix H of the 4350.3 handbook, the program now creates three separate adjustments for a gross rent change completed after the first of the month and only two adjustments when the gross rent change is completed on the first of the month.

The gross rent adjustments can be viewed in the eTrans Wizard.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > eTrans Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > eTrans Wizard

4. The example of Form HUD 52670-A Part 3 is displayed in Appendix H of the HUD Handbook 4350.3 with a space between the adjustments printed by unit. To make ORC work in accordance with the example in the handbook (and to make the form easier to read), the program now prints Form HUD 52670-A Part 3 with a space between the adjustments printed by unit.

Path: Main Menu screen > Voucher > Browse Vouchers screen > Voucher Review screen > Voucher Summary tab > Print/Print Preview icon > Print Voucher screen > Print Adjustment to Schedule of Tenant Assistance Payments Due (form HUD 52670-A Part 3) checkbox

5. We have corrected formatting errors found in paragraph C on page 2 of Form HUD 52646 (Tenant Voucher).

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen

6. If you entered the Virgin Island state code as the housing authority billed for an incoming portable tenant, and then attempted to make an eTrans record for the tenant, the following eTrans error would appear: "12f |HA Billed must be a valid PHA ID." This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Rent Calculations sub-tab > HA Billed field

You can make eTrans records on the eTrans tab:

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > eTrans tab > Make eTrans Wizard icon > TRACS eTrans Wizard


1. You are now able to update blank submitted dates for TRACS tenants. On the tenant's eTrans tab, select and highlight the eTrans record without a submitted date that you want to work with and right-click. A Submitted Date window appears where you select the appropriate date and then click OK to apply the change.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > eTrans tab > Submitted Date window

Bug Reports

1. For TRACS tenants, if a termination certification was completed with a termination code of "DS - Double Subsidy at move in," an incorrect eTrans error would occur stating that the termination code was invalid. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard

2. When a new admission certification was created for a TRACS tenant who was previously living in a property into which they are moving into again, the move in adjustments were incorrect. This issue has been fixed.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Add New Certification icon > Begin Certification Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Add New Certification icon > Begin Certification Wizard

3. On step two of the TRACS eTrans Wizard, adjustment totals were displayed rounded to the nearest cent. To help those clients who use this step to verify their vouchers, the amounts are now rounded to whole number amounts.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > eTrans tab > Make eTrans Wizard icon > TRACS eTrans Wizard (Step 2)

4. If a TRACS tenant had a blank mailing address, the program was recognizing it as a different address from their unit physical address and a MAT 15 record was being incorrectly created. This has been corrected and a MAT 15 is no longer created if the tenant's mailing address is blank.
5. When creating adjustments for New Admission and Other Change of Unit certifications, extra adjustments were incorrectly created for future months. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen> Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize Certification icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > Add Adjustments Wizard > Add icon

The adjustments added in the ORC program display for the tenant on the Payment Info tab of the Section 8 Tenant and Landlord program.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab


Program Version:

Program Date: 3/4/2011


1. The IRS has updated the year on Form 941, Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return, to reflect the 2011 tax year. We have updated this form in the Payroll program to match the new IRS version.

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Employer tab > Federal 941 radio button

Bug Reports

1. You can now filter active and inactive employees from the following reports: Employee Information, Leave Type Time Report, Leave Summary Report, Leave Type History Report, Payroll Register, Check Listing, and Check Accounting Register.

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employee/Employer tabs > Employee Selection options > Active/Inactive radio buttons

2. The OASDI Taxes Due column (column 7) on the Income Tax Withheld and Accrued report always displayed "0.124" and this number could not be changed. This has been corrected and the number displayed will now match the OASDI combined percent amount entered in the Setup area of the program.

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Payroll Report Menu screen > Employer tab

The OASDI combined percent amount is found on the Setup Income, Deductions, and Taxes - Accounting screen.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Payroll Setup Form screen > Settings > Setup Income, Deductions, and Taxes - Accounting screen > General tab > OASDI Combined Percent field

3. If you selected an option other than "None" in the IRS Code for Box 12 drop-down list and then saved your changes, an error would appear if you tried to select the "None" option again. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Payroll Setup Form screen > Settings > Setup Income, Deductions, and Taxes - Accounting screen > Income Types tab > IRS Code for Box 12 drop-down list

4. Errors occurred if you tried to void a range of checks or a single check. These issues have been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Process Checks Wizard > Void Posted Checks icon > View Checks screen > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Process Checks Wizard > Tools icon drop-down list > Void Posted Checks > View Checks screen > Void Posted Checks icon > Void Checks Wizard

5. If you had selected to post employee journals to General Ledger using the employee number method in summary mode, the journals would incorrectly post by Social Security Number. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Payroll Setup Form screen > Settings > Setup Income, Deductions, and Taxes - Accounting screen > General tab > Post to Ledger Using Method drop-down list and checkbox/Post to Ledger Using Summary Posting instead of Detail Posting checkbox

6. While processing checks, if you were unable to post the checks, and you then attempted to post again, the following error appeared: "No current row of cursor." This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Process Checks Wizard

Section 8 Desktop Inspections

Program Version:

Program Date: 11/11/2010


1. After completing an HQS inspection, an HQS inspection eTrans record (transaction type 13 - Annual HQS Inspection Only) is now automatically created for the tenant in Occupancy and Rent Calculation for submission to PIC.

Section 8 Tenant & Landlord

Program Version:

Program Date: 2/14/2011


1. We have corrected formatting errors found in paragraph C on page 2 of Form HUD 52646 (Tenant Voucher).

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Tenant Data tab > Print Tenant Reports icon > Tenant Reports screen

Bug Report

1. The HAP Check Adjustments report was not displaying tenant adjustments if the tenant's hold code was set to blank. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Landlords tab > HAP Check Adjustments report

Tenant Accounts Receivable

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/3/2011


1. When adding recurring transactions, the ending month and year will now automatically calculate if a maximum amount is entered.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Recurring Transactions tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Recurring Charge/Add Recurring Receivable/Add Recurring Payment/Add Recurring Transfer/Add Recurring Credit Memo Wizards (Step 1)

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Recurring Transactions tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Recurring Charge/Add Recurring Receivable/Add Recurring Payment/Add Recurring Transfer/Add Recurring Credit Memo Wizards (Step 1)

2. We have added a new report, Applicant List Vacant Unit Listing, that displays only vacant units that are not classified under any type of exclusion and are available for lease. The report also displays any offers that were made on units (in the Applicant List program), and if the offers were accepted or if the units are scheduled to be shown.

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Units tab > Applicant List Vacant Unit Listing

Bug Reports

1. When reapplying payments, if you entered "0" in a field instead of "0.00", the following error would appear: "Error performing 'Re-Apply Payment Amounts': Could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (Currency)." This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Payment History tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Re-Apply Payment > Re-Apply Payment Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Payment History tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Re-Apply Payment > Re-Apply Payment Wizard

2. The Unit Summary report would not fully process and the report would not appear. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Units tab

3. When adding recurring transactions, if the ending month and year were left blank or set to "None," the following error message would appear: "Error performing 'Enter receivable Information': Ending Month when an Ending Year has been selected must have a value." This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Recurring Transactions tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Recurring Charge/Add Recurring Receivable/Add Recurring Payment/Add Recurring Transfer/Add Recurring Credit Memo Wizards (Step 1)

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Recurring Transactions tab > Wizards icon drop-down list >Add Recurring Charge/Add Recurring Receivable/Add Recurring Payment/Add Recurring Transfer/Add Recurring Credit Memo Wizards (Step 1)

4. When adding recurring transactions, the tabbing order through the fields on the first step of the wizards was incorrect. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Recurring Transactions tab > Wizards icon drop-down list > Add Recurring Charge/Add Recurring Receivable/Add Recurring Payment/Add Recurring Transfer/Add Recurring Credit Memo Wizards (Step 1)

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Recurring Transactions tab > Wizards icon drop-down list >Add Recurring Charge/Add Recurring Receivable/Add Recurring Payment/Add Recurring Transfer/Add Recurring Credit Memo Wizards (Step 1)

5. Previously, you were unable to inactivate accounts that had never been attached to a lease. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary tab > Delete icon

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary tab > Delete icon

6. The Maintain Notes screen was not displaying notes by descending date, with the most current note at the top, as it should. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Tenant Information tab > View Note icon > Maintain Notes screen

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Customer Information tab > View Note icon > Maintain Notes screen

Work Order

Program Version:

Program Date: 3/1/2011

Bug Reports

1. The Employee Report was not printing. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Work Order Report Menu screen > Settings tab > Employee report

2. When completing work orders with multiple labor records, the end date and time of the last labor record was not being used for the complete date and complete time as it should. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Maintain Work Orders screen > Main tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Complete Work Order > Complete Work Order Wizard (Step 2) > Complete Date/Complete Time fields

3. When adding a new work order, inactive employees were incorrectly displayed and were able to be selected in the Add Work Order Wizard.This has been corrected and only active employees are now displayed and available for selection.

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Add icon > Add Work Order Wizard (Step 4)

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Maintain Work Orders screen > Add icon drop-down list > Add Work Order > Add Work Order Wizard (Step 4)

In order to view step four of the Add Work Order Wizard, the policy with the following description must be set to Yes: "Show/Hide Employee tab." You maintain program policies in the Setup area of the program.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Policies > Browse Policies screen > Maintain Policies screen

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